For the average citizen evaluating the claims made for cure all - or even improve all - health products and procedures has always been difficult. Not only is it an area in which we have minimal expertise but most of us have a vested interest in finding a miracle intervention that …
Conventional Medicine
New distribution for Dr Joneja’s Histamine books
Dr Janice Joneja is recognised as a world expert on histamine intolerance - or, to be more accurate, histamine excess. Although intolerance to histamine does exist it is extremely rare. Most of the 1% of the world's population who are thought to experience histamine related …
Professor Michael Crawford on the Key Role played by nutrition in the Mental Health Crisis
NB. This webinar has been rescheduled for Thursday 17th August. In 1972 the then Dr Michael Crawford published evidence that the brain required arachidonic (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) specifically, for its growth, structure and function. ARA derives from Omega 6 fatty …
Transforming Primary Healthcare
There is no doubt that responsible GPs are worried about the state of the NHS, primary care, secondary care, the relentless growth in patients with autoimmune and mental health conditions, and, and, and..... And that many of them are fronting or taking part in initiatives, often …
Cough medicines that include Pholcodine can cause anaphylaxis
I was reminded last week by an excellent post on Ruth Holroyd's What Allergy? blog of the Pholcodine issue which, 25 years after it was first discussed, has still not been resolved in the UK. Pholcodine is a drug that is to be found in a wide range of cough medicines. …