For the last three years the French group, Coeurs d’EHS, has held a worldwide EHS Day on June 16th. The purpose of the day is not so much to campaign against the ever wider roll out of 5G and other electromagnetic powered technologies (although protests there certainly will be) but to focus on the plight of electro-hypersensitives – people who are so sensitive to electro-magnetic radiation that they cannot live in ‘our’ world at all.
Although I am now very much better I do have some inkling of what this can be like. Ten years ago, drinking a cup of coffee in Costa at a table next to someone using the free wifi on their laptop would have had me feeling seriously unwell for several days. I had sensitised myself some years earlier by using one of those old mobile phones with aerials after I had broken the aerial, so was using my head as an aerial. If you are interested you can read the full story of how I dealt with the condition here on the FoodsMatter site. But, in a nutshell, it took me around five years and some fairly intensive therapy to recover. Even now I need to lead an ‘electrically clean’ life see (see below) to stay well. And I was lucky.
Because of my work with allergies and the less frequented byways of medicine, I knew about electrosensitivity, recognised my symptoms and was able to address the issue, mainly by avoiding all sources of electromagnetic radiation.
Those who do not recognise the symptoms and know nothing about EMS are not so lucky. They remain exposed becoming progressively more and more unwell (heart arrythmias, high blood pressure, vertigo, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, piercing headache when in range, digestive disorders and many other symptoms). Eventually they are unable to function within range not only of any electromagnetic emitting devices (wifi, phone masts, phones etc) but even any electrical devices. They are forced to take refuge in remote off-grid buildings, if they can find them, or caravans, are unable to work and, because the condition is so rarely recognised, receive very little financial or medical support from the state or their doctors.
Things are already pretty appalling for them but how much worse will they become with the installation of 5G masts – very much more numerous, very much more powerful and installed at street level beaming straight into our homes and offices. And this is what is worrying the scientists who presented last month to the European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology.
Approaching the issue from a scientific perspective only, but mindful of the parliament’s duty to care for the wellbeing of EU citizens, a series of eminent speakers reveiwed the now very extensive literature looking at the health outcomes of 2, 3 and 4G both in humans and in animals. From this they concluded that there was evidence that exposure to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) was implicated in humans some cancers, in the reduction of male fertility and in developmental delays in offspring of women who were heavy users of mobile phones in pregnancy. In animal studies it certainly appears that the sensory capacities of animals are impacted by EMR.
While this is obviously of concern what concerned them a great deal more was that the scientific literature available on the much more powerful 5G is virtually non existent. So it is all but impossible to assess with any accuracy the risk to human, animal or environmental health that 5G might pose. Recognising that stopping the march of 5G at this stage is impossible, their urgent call is for a great deal more independently funded research into possible outcomes of the 5G roll out and into ways of minimising its effects on human, animal and environmental health.
Electrical cleanliness
The essential first steps below for anyone trying to minimise their exposure. The list looks horribly long but actually it is really all very simple.
- Use wired connections for your computers etc not wifi.
- Use a wired mouse.
- Ensure that wifi and Bluetooth are always turned off on your computer.
- Ensure that your BT/? hub is not wifi enabled even if you are not using wifi. BT, certainly, have a tricksy way of setting up your router so that it acts as a small hub or way station for the surrounding houses without you knowing anything about it…. (If you feel strong you could look at this blog and the MANY comments thereon.)
- Do not use a hands free phone – the base station is permanently on and emits radiation 24/7.
- Only ever use a mobile phone on speakerphone – never to your ear.
- Ideally text rather than speaking on the phone.
- Put your phone on airplane mode except when you are actually using it.
- Do not have a smart meter installed (you are entitled to refuse one.) They bathe your house in wifi 24/7.
- Do not use fluorescent or low energy light bulbs – both generate radiation as they flicker. Use LED, tungsten or halogen.
- Do not use your telephone as an alarm clock. Use an old fashioned alarm clock.
- Do not have a radio alarm in your bedroom.
- Ideally do not have any electrical devices in your bedroom, including electric blankets. (The theory is that when you are sleeping is the time that the body renews/refreshes itself and it needs to be in the least stressed situation possible to do that.) In a perfect world, turnoff the electricity supply to your bedroom while you are asleep – but this is not always practicable.
Nella Marcus
Thank you for bringing to our attention the damage that 5G can do to our health and well-being. Your experience should be a warning to us all. One does hear about parents whose children’s schools could be in affected areas but your information shows the problem goes beyond that. It is time those who can help do so for the sake of our futures and those of all children.