Is there no stopping her? Not content with a long article on how gluten is in all grains and that cutting out wheat, barely and rye may not be enough to improve your health, and an e-book, Micky Rose has now launched a new totally gluten-free site– – in which she will cover not only food but supplements (a minefield which I hope she is also going to enlarge on for FoodsMatter) and, in due course, personal care products. Check it out.
Meanwhile, now that we are also on message, see Jacquie Broadway’s very tasty amaranth and almond bread recipe and the Beetroot and quinoa risotto featured in this weekend’s newsletter, the Eat Me Organic delicious black bean flour cupcakes featured in the last newsletter – and, right now, I am brewing a pot of truly gluten-free baked beans because, yes folks, even the most virtuous and organic of baked beans use rice flour to thicken… More anon!
[…] our friends at FoodsMatter have joined in to help us with the truly gluten free lifestyle! See Editor Michelle’s post with recipes for the Almond & Amaranth Bread (sent in kindly by long-term allergy sufferer […]