You may not always agree with George Monbiot – but his article in October 1st’s Guardian (to be found on his blog with full references) on the muzzling of independent scientists is alarming for anyone who believes in independent scientific research. (Crucial on the ‘fringes’ of conventional medicine where so many allergic people live…)
Scientists, he writes, should be “the voice of reason, rather than dissent, in the public arena.”(1) Vladimir Putin? Kim Jong-un? No, Professor Ian Boyd, chief scientific adviser at the UK’s department for environment……
He ends the article:
A world in which scientists speak only through their minders and in which dissent is considered the antithesis of reason is a world shorn of meaningful democratic choices. You can judge a government by its treatment of inconvenient facts and the people who expose them. This one does not emerge well.
Here, here….
Read the full article here.