The imminent publication of the latest volume in our book venture, Professor Mike Barnes’ Beginner’s Guide to Medical Cannabis, has made us super alert to all of the cannabis ‘buzz’ that occasionally still manages to push Brexit off the front pages. So we were very happy to see a press release this week suggesting that the powers that are in Brussels may decide that CBD cannabis oil is not a ‘novel food’.
For this who are not familiar with Brussels jargon a ‘novel food’ is ‘a food that had not been consumed to a significant degree by humans in the EU before 15 May 1997…..’ More importantly, ‘if the novel food is liable to have an effect on human health, the Commission requires the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to carry out a risk assessment.’ And once into risk assessment territory, it may take many months – and more likely years – to get the food approved for use and sale within the EU.
Anyhow, the Novel Food Commission in Brussels is looking at CBD cannabis oil right now. They are examining evidence presented by the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) that hemp and hemp extracts were being used as early as 1220 – which would certainly invalidate the current ruling that ‘…extracts of Cannabis Sativa L. and derived products containing cannabinoids are considered novel foods as a history of consumption has not been demonstrated.’
If they were interested we could certainly send them an advance copy of Prof. Mike’s book which charts the historic use of cannabinoids way before 1220 and right up to the mid 20th century when they were pushed off the menu by a combination of new synthetic drugs and a heavy duty demonisation of cannabis as a recreational drug.
As it happens, Prof Mike’s book contains a great deal more than just history of cannabis – including details on the many conditions for which it is helpful (not just the epilepsy which has recently hit the news, but pain management, MS, anxiety, cancer and many, many more), how to take it, where it is legal and where to get it. Further details to come as soon as the book hits the shelves in a couple of weeks latest.
In fact, lots of further details to come also about our book venture which we have just given a major shake up!!
Gone is Berrydales Books – originally set set up to publish our children’s books, Berrydale Bear and the Cacao Tree and Berrydale Bear meets Chocosaurus the Dinosaur.
Now to be replaced by Oriole Books…. New website and social media to come but meanwhile, keep an eye on Foodsmatter Facebook and Twitter sites, the latter now being run for us, we are delighted to say, by Alex, @healthjourno.
In the immediate pipe line are three cookery books: low histamine recipes, Anna del Conte’s and my complete gluten and (mainly) vegan Italian cookery book and a gluten-free vegan recipe book. Also a beginner’s guide to gaming addiction and a beginner’s guide to managing anaphylaxis – and more to come.
And still selling extremely well are our existing titles.
- Dr Joneja’s hugely successful Beginner’s Guide and Comprehensive Guide to Histamine Intolerance – very soon to be joined by the low histamine cookery book.
- Micki Rose’s excellent 8 Step Healing Plan – Recovery from Chronic Illness with Mind-Body Medicine charting her own amazing journey with step by step guidance as to how you can follow her ‘pathway to health’.
- Enid Taylor’s 50 Foods Challenge: Feed your microbiome and improve your gut health – A really fun way to broaden your diet and keep those all important gut bacteria happy and healthy, by the director of the the Taymount Clinic, the UK’s leading FMT clinic.
- The revised version of my Allergy Catering Manual: How to boost your profits by catering freefrom.
Watch this space….
Thomas Ogren
Cannabis, especially when eaten as cookies, etc. is very useful for helping people get a good night’s sleep. This is extra important for those suffering from pollen allergies. At any rate, the UK is light years behind California on this whole subject.
CBD creams are totally marvelous for getting rid of minor muscle aches and pains….no other topical cream works as well.