Some of the most regularly visited posts on this blog are those about kefir – so I am deeply embarrassed to have to admit that our kefir growing efforts have fallen on very stony ground…. Despite two generous donations of culture, and locating an accessible source of raw milk, between this and that we have failed abysmally to get going properly again.
After our initial success (see my post and comments in June 2011) we did nicely for six to nine months – and then our kefir ‘plant’ started to shrink instead of grow and finally sort of withered away….. I suspect that we may have been leaving it a bit short of TLC.
So I was delighted to find this very enthusiastic post on the Crohn’s blog which gives you very specific and detailed instructions on how to get going. All you need is some kefir grains – and these days you can even get them on Amazon! Here to buy in the UK and here to buy in the US – or just put ‘kefir grains buy’ into Google and you will be offered a wealth of other sources worldwide.
Good luck!!