Today is, finally, the day on which the FreeFromFood Awards 2011 are to be presented but, so organised are we (and I shall probably regret those words) that we have been sitting in the sun drinking coffee and I have been browsing through my email in-box. And two of this morning’s offerings do really make you wonder whether some members of the human race are not barking mad…..
Natural News is getting very hot under the collar about a report, also to be found in the Telegraph, that, thanks to the work of Chinese scientists, it may be possible to successfully introduce human genes into dairy cows to enable them to produce milk which more closely resembles human breast milk than cow’s milk. If today were April 1st rather than the 6th, and if I had not heard rumour of this before, I would seriously think this was an April fool. The commercial imperative for the dairy industry is clear – but is anyone in their right mind really going to ‘buy’ it – in any sense of the term.
It is, presumably, too much to ask to just leave mothers to produce human milk for their babies and cows to produce cow’s milk for their calves…
Hot on the heels of that email came one from Christina England at VaccineTruth reporting on another study which advises nursing mothers not to start breast feeding their children until after they have been vaccinated as ‘breast feeding lowers the vaccinations’ efficiency’…
Hang on a sec…. I thought that it was breast feeding that was meant to strengthen your baby’s immune system, the very system which should protect them against diseases, thereby, possibly, obviating the need for any vaccinations at all?
Moreover, breast fed babies tend to be healthier – formula fed babies sicklier – so would the risk of side effects from giving crate loads of vaccines not be greater for the sicklier babies who have not been breast fed?….
Once again, the commercial imperative is clear. What is absolutely not clear is why we should be taken in by it… You can read the full article here.
And just to reinforce the feeling that humans are beyond belief stupid and animals beyond belief clever, while drinking my coffee I read a article in yesterday’s Independent describing how bees can detect pesticides in the pollen that they collect and, recognising that it is harmful, ‘entomb’ the contaminated pollen in separate ‘isolation’ cells which can not then be used for food.
The article went on to describe the now two-year-old, but as yet unpublished, work of Dr Jeffrey Pettis, head of the Bee Research Laboratory of the US Department of Agriculture. Dr Pettis has found that ‘bees infected with microscopic doses of imidacloprid, the best-selling neonicotinoid made by the German agribusiness giant Bayer, are far more susceptible to infection by the harmful nosema parasite’ – one of the causes, maybe, of the parlous state of bee health worldwide. Click here for the full article.
Hey ho – I think I shall go and load the car with all that wonderful gluten-free beer for the awards party before anyone can send me anything else…..
Ruth Holroyd
Great post Michelle. I too read about the human/cow milk with a kind of disbelief. That coupled with other news that in the US in one state, Carolina I think, they are trying to pass a law to outlaw all herbalists, accupuncturise, homeopaths etc. Sound like a witch hunt? I can’t help all this is fuelled by those rich pharmaceutical giants and manufacturing companies are in leagues together. Feed them crap, they will need horrible drugs to make them better, they will then not be so healthy, develop cancer, need more drugs… I might more to a commune but I might have to smuggle in my iPhone. See you later at the awards.
Things are changing fast in our world and before we know it the world turns to be what just a decade ago we would consider nuts!
But that’s life, what can we do?