We all live in our houses. They keep us dry, they keep us warm. But do they really ‘look after us’?
Most of us don’t need them to but, if you have chemical sensitivities or, even worse, chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities, then your house can feel as though it is literally trying to attack you.
But even if your reactions are not that dramatic, are you sure that some of the products that you use in your home – cleaning products, air fresheners, even shampoos and toiletries– are not having a low level effect on your health and you might not feel better without them?
Let me tell you what happened to Nicki Greenham.
Nicki became chemically sensitive 25 years ago. Her immune and detoxification systems were overwhelmed and she reacted to the slightest trace of petrochemicals, chlorine in tap water, almost all foods, and even natural things like essential oils. She collapsed if she ate anything with a trace of pesticides or mould. Then electrosensitivity kicked in and her phone gave her sudden head pains, her computer made her face burn.
In due course she was diagnosed with both Crohn’s disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She lost three stone in weight and became bedbound and regularly hospitalised. Twenty five years later she has largely recovered her health but it has been a long struggle and much of her success has been as a result of adapting her living space to support her rather than attack her.
During those years she also started a support group, MCS-Aware, which is now a national charity.
Now, at Get Your Life Back she is offering consultations to people who want to make their homes more health-friendly – either because they have been (or are) ill and are trying to get well – or because they are well and want to stay that way!!
Get Your Life Back Wellness Coaching
Nicki is offering one-to-one consultations on how to live safely with your various digital devices, how to track down and get rid of mould, or formaldehyde or any of the other many, many chemicals that can slip in with new furniture, builders – and leaks and damp! How to improve your sleep by ‘cleaning’ your sleeping area and what household and personal products are going to work best both for your health and for that of the environment. An initial 40 minute consultation will only cost you £35.
Crucial steps in regaining some quality of life
Meanwhile, I asked Nicki what she thought were the most crucial things that she had done to regain her health:
Hmm, turning points in my health…. Well there have been a lot, it’s like peeling layers off an onion.
- Changing my diet, a DNA test and subsequent vitamin supplements have helped hugely.
- When the basics were in place I had my amalgam fillings removed and then investigated gentle detoxification and supporting my body to eliminate the toxins without reabsorbing them.
- I had a lot of pathogens to get rid of which I did with various herbal, homeopathic supplements and raw garlic. Again, it all had to be done very slowly.
Removing Stressors
- Removing as many physical and mental stressors as possible to give my body chance to calm down and repair was vital.
- For me that has meant adapting the house with things like water purifiers, removing mould, putting up EMF shielding and rewiring the house to lower the electrical fields and levels of dirty electricity.
The emotional and spiritual side
There are also the emotional, mental and spiritual sides to consider and repair.
- Annie Hopper and Ashok Gupta have some great rewiring programmes which are incredibly useful. I did Annie’s DNRS which is like neural reprogramming bootcamp. Ashok takes a more gentle approach.
- This however only helped 50%, and I began to realise I had some serious PTSD issues s a result of the illness. Because the body and mind are essentially one organism, the neural pathways and emotional healing were an essential part of the recovery process.*
I will be publishing a self-help book on the subject in due course.
The importance of a ‘clean’ bedroom
- If energy is limited I think the best place to focus on is getting the bedroom into a ‘safe’ space.
- Most of your healing and detoxification takes place while you sleep so you don’t want your body to be trying to do anything else at the same time (like trying to fend off Wi-Fi and mobile phone signals or sensitivity reactions like dust mites, formaldehyde or washing powder).**
Ban fragrances and nightime connectivity
Everyone will need a slightly different path to recovery, depending on why they got ill in the first place.
However two things I think everyone could manage are:
- Reduce fragrances in the home
- Turn off Wi-Fi and mobile phones at night.
Just these two things can take a significant load off the body’s immune and detoxification systems and may give you the energy to tackle to rest of the steps to recovery.
* Our good friend Micki Rose’s book, 8 Step Healing Plan: Recovery from Chronic Illness with Mind-Body Medicine covers this topic in a good deal more detail. A crucial and often unrecognised step in recovering from chronic illness no matter what its cause.
** Dr Deitricht Klinghardt, one of the leading physicians treating electromagnetic and chemical sensitivity, will not even consult with a new patient until they have been sleeping in a chemical, electrical and electromagnetically free environment for at least three months.
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Thomas Ogren
An initial 40 minute consultation will only cost you £35.
That sure sounds like a bargain to me!
Micki Rose
Thanks Michelle – as I was reading that, I was thinking: ‘that sounds like me – or was me’!
As you saw – so was I!!!
Christopher Hartley
Greetings dear Michelle.
It’s been along time since I’ve caught up with you and your blog posts. I will in due course but today, I came across something I think you might be interested in. It’s THE FIRST company producing proper bloc silver fabric that will totally eliminate this retched looming 5G radiation. Thankfully, following Oliver Dowden’s announcement recently, we have a moment’s pause to breathe and prepare as, thankfully the 5G roll-out will now be somewhat delayed: –Dowden surprised MPs when he announced that the decision to remove Huawei would mean “a cumulative delay to 5G rollout of two to three years”. —
The link I provide here is for a bed canopy, (admittedly rather pricey BUT…). See what you think. I’m certainly saving up but it angers me that WE, the ‘end users’, (who were never actually consulted to an untested roll-out of a potentially seriously harmful technology) are forced to seek such desperate measures to protect ourselves.
Anyway! Hope you and your lovely cats are looking after each other.
Thanks for that Christopher – and good to hear from you. The bed canopy does look very glamourous – if horribly expensive…. But good to be reminded where one can get a this shielding material. Although sickening, as you say, that we are forced to pay out such huge sums to protect ourselves from a hazard which was absolutely not of our making. Stay well – Michelle