I am sure you will all be pleased to hear that FoodsMatter Towers is not to be blasted with phone mast radiation – well, not in the immediate future anyhow. On Monday we saw that Camden planning had refused Telefonica’s application to install six masts and a base station on then ro0f of the little block of flats next door to us.
The reason they give is that they would not be appropriate in a conservation area – and although many of believe that there are a number of other good reasons why the masts should not have been installed, we are more than happy to go with this one!!
The proposed telecommunications antennas and GRP screening structure by virtue of its inappropriate siting, its excessive scale and bulk and unsympathetic functional design, would result in a highly visually prominent and incongruous development which would harm the visual appearance and character of the streetscene, particularly the designated views along Lawn Road and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area, contrary to policy CS14 of the Camden Core Strategy, policies DP24 and DP25 of the Camden Development Policies, policies 7.4 and 7.8 of the London Plan and paragraphs 56- 68 and 126-141 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
So MANY thanks to all of you for your support and good wishes, and especially to those of you who may have added your objection to the 97 that we finally clocked upon the Camden planning site!
If anyone wants to know the back story, see www.stoplawnroadmasts.co.uk
Its an apt demonstration that local concerns and pressure can trump bureaucratic statism. Whatever the underlying motivations its some credit to Camden Council that they accepted local views and refused the application, even though it did mean losing the – not inconsiderable – rental income.
Yay 🙂
Great result – well done on successful campaign, many are unaware of the health issues associated with EMF radiation. It sets a good precedence for other campaigners too.