The prospect of any freefrom industry gathering is always cheered by the prospect of seeing Adrian Ling, MD of the highly successful, totally freefrom and super ethical Plamil Foods, makers and major exporters of soya milk and dairy free chocolate.
It is, of course, always interesting to talk chocolate and freefrom ‘shop’ – but what you really want to see is what splendidly stylish outfit Adrian will be sporting….
But do not let the fish net tights or the perfectly varnished fingernails mislead you – Adrian is very far from a fluff head. Under his guidance not only has Plamil became a multi million pound business but they have led, and continue to lead the way in freefrom and ethical trading. The Plamil factory, still on its original site in Kent, is powered by 100% renewable electricity, they never knowingly source or use ingredients or products that involve child or exploitative adult labor and, unhappy with Vegan Society’s rather easy going attitude to ‘may contain’ labelling, they have created their own certification which does not allow any precautionary allergen labelling.
If you want to know more, read this long and really fascinating article on Plamil – both past and present – in this month’s Forbes Magazine.