A few more little electro snippets…….
Warning to Londoners:
Led by Camden, Hounslow, Barnet, Wandsworth, Medway, Merton and Ealing councils are all negotiating deals to install free wifi access via council infrastructure such as lamp posts. Your street will be alive…. and worse…. Some recycling bins are already alive and transmitting!
Canadian protesters are filing a class action lawsuit over the forced installation of smart meters. July 2013
Meanwhile Germany has rejected the EU advice that 80% of homes should have smart meters by 2020 because it will be too expensive. OK, the ‘wrong’ reason for rejecting them but, as long as they are rejected in their current wifi format (might be a different matter if they were wired) that is all we are interested in. August 2013
There are two problems here. The first is that wired systems are inherently complicated, expensive and less easily available. Your local Starbucks is unlikely – any time soon – to make wired ethernet connections available to its customers. The other problem is that 95% of the population doesn’t understand the questions over wifi. Until they do nothing is likely to change.