Many of you will already know or subscribe to Natural News’ daily round up of research on natural health, exposées of conventional medicine and health policies, bizarre health snippets, rants and comic strips – an invaluable resource for Foodsmatter and a great read for anyone interested in natural health and living. Moreover, the vast majority of the reports give links to sources which usually lead you to the original research – really important when so many reports on the web make claims or state facts which they do not substantiate.
Although, as they say in their ‘about us’ page, the Natural News Network is not recognised as a 501(c)3 non-profit organisation in the US, they operate without a profit motive, the vast majority of their content is freely accessible and they do not engage in any pop up, pop under or other ‘under the counter’ advertising practices. However they do (like Foodsmatter) take advertising, which is quite clearly advertising, for products which they think will be useful for their visitors.
Anyhow, this burst of enthusiasm on my part was triggered by skimming through today’s offering which included these two irresistible reports:
Bees’ brains are more powerful than computers – describing how ‘bees are able to quickly calculate the shortest flying routes among their network of flowers and plants in order to minimize flying time. Traveling salesman continually face the problem of how best to route sales calls to save time and increase efficiency, a problem which it takes even the speediest computers take days to solve – whereas the bee does it in a millisecond.
This was followed by:
New research shows that fish actually talk to each other under water describing work done with underwater microphones in New Zealand which revealed that cod are entirely silent except when spawning, gunards chatted continuously using a wide range of sounds while some crayfish sound as though they are strumming a guitar…..
But lest you should think that NN is only fun and laughter, these reports were sandwiched between warnings about hand sanitisers, a report that some cancer industry groups are finally admitting that their advice to avoid the sun is causing Vitamin D deficiencies, a suggestion that the H1N1 vaccine could have been responsible for over 3,000 miscarriages, an article on hormone balancing preventing cancer and a report that drug factories are flushing pain killers down the drains thus contaminating streams and rivers…