As those of you who get the FoodsMatter newsletter, or who regularly frequent the information sites, and, will know, every couple of weeks we upload between 10 and 20 reports of new research studies on allergy/intolerance and on the many other …
Alternative/complementary therapies
‘Body Talk’ – Hearing What Your Body Has to Tell You
It is a long held belief of holistic and complementary therapists that we have lost touch with our bodies – we do not hear what they are trying to tell us, we can no longer decode the signals – and that until we relearn that language, we will never enjoy 'positive' good health. …
ASA Appears to be Targeting Complementary Therapists
Complementary therapists get,understandably, exercised when those who know and understand little, if anything, about what they do attack them as being 'unscientific quacks'. However, most are fairly used to this form of abuse and take in in their stride. However, one group …
Listening to your food
I read an interview last week with a cook (sorry, name escapes me...) who had, temporarily, thank goodness, lost her sense of smell. She commented on how sharpened her other 'cooking' senses had become while she was smell-less – including her hearing. Having initially raised …
Djokovic and his gluten-free diet
A great deal of hot air has already been generated by the seeming match-winning fall out from Novak Djokovic's gluten-free diet so I only propose to add a very small extra puff. The coeliac community and coeliac awareness has benefitted greatly from the coverage although there …