I read this post on low blood sugar and aggression on Dr John Briffa's blog a couple of weeks ago - and kept meaning to forward it on. So finally - do read - very interesting theory... And, if you wish to depress yourself about how much good all those great fresh fruit and veg …
Dr. John Briffa
Ignoring carbohydrates in diabetic diets
Diabetes is not our area of expertise (we scarcely have enough time to keep abreast of allergy, let alone taking on diabetes) but I do feel very sorry for diabetics. Their lives used to be trying, but simple – they had a strict diet to which they had to adhere and specific (not …
To sunscreen or not to sunscreen….
In the faint hope that summer might actually break upon us at some point and that, therefore, the sunscreen question will be upon us again, I checked in to a post on Dr John Briffa's blog last week about sunscreens. He was, in fact, belabouring the Daily Mail (with some reason) …
The fallibility of peer review
Regular readers of this blog will know that while recognising the tremendous benefits that scientific research has conferred on medicine, I, among many others, am often somewhat sceptical about much of what is offered up to us (and gains wide acceptance) as 'peer reviewed' gospel …
Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity gains full recognition
A few years ago it was only a few way out, wacky souls – Dr Peter Osborne and his Gluten Free Society in the US, Micki Rose and a handful of nutritional therapists in the UK – who were suggesting that maybe 'classic' coeliac disease (reacting only to the gluten in wheat, …