You should never assume that just because 'the law' appears to prevent or forbid you from doing something (or indeed allow someone else to do something that you do not like) that you have no redress. Things are not always how they seem. While it is in the interest of local …
Electromagnetic sensitivity
Wind turbine syndrome
So, do you live close to a wind farm? And do you suffer from: headaches sleep problems night terrors or learning disabilities in children ringing in the ears (tinnitus) mood problems (irritability, anxiety) concentration and memory problems issues with …
Guess what! It’s not all in the mind…
'When are they ever going to figure out that things are never “all in your head?” Whenever something doesn’t fit in their tiny little understanding, they belittle the patient and tell them they are crazy. Prescribing SSRIs for everything is not the answer any more than a lobotomy …
FreeFrom in Europe – and Freiburg
There is no doubt that 2013 has been a year of 'firsts' – not only the first 'freefrom' trade exhibition in Europe but the first FreeFrom Restaurant awards (yet to happen), the first foray of 'freefrom' into vending, the first time that Foodsmatter Twitter followers have exceeded …
Cress succumbs to mobile phone radiation
Lea Nielsen, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe Nielsen, Sisse Coltau and Rikke Holm, all of whom go to Hjallerup School in North Jutland in Denmark, have just won themselves one thousand krone for a very 'elegant' bit of science.... Noticing that they all had difficulty in sleeping and …