Did anyone watch the fascinating Channel 4 programme on Hitler's hidden drug habits last night? From the mid 1930s, despite his image as a man of 'superhuman strength and vigour', it appears that Hitler became increasing dependent on Dr Theodor Morell, physician to the …
Horizon on allergies
I have to admit to turning on last night's Horizon programme on allergies with a bit of a sinking heart – expecting the usual perfectly worthy but not really helpful selection of talking heads. But indeed not! Led by the wonderfully avuncular but authoritative Prof. Graham Rook, …
The weirdness of the human psyche
I have just been reading a report of a study on allergic rhinitis sufferers (35-40% of the US population). Despite the fact that immunotherapy has been around for nearly 100 years, is recognised as the best treatment for allergic rhinitis and is the only treatment which actually …
Horror stories….
I have just been working my way through John Scott's weekly compendiums of research reports for November and December (sadly, we are nowhere near as prompt at getting them onto the sites as he is at sending them to us) and I came across two really horrendous stories that he had …
FMTs (otherwise known as poo) to be treated as a drug
Over the past several years there has been a growing interest in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation – the 'transplantation' of healthy-bacteria-filled faeces from a well person's gut into the guts of those suffering from a range of inflammatory digestive and bowel conditions whose …