Anyone who has had dealings with food sensitivity - be it an allergy, an intolerance or coeliac disease - will know that it is expensive. Expensive in food costs, expensive in time costs, expensive in terms of your quality of life. But how expensive? And if it is significantly …
Food Standards Agency
New light on product recalls
A new research report logging food allergen recalls in the UK from 2016 to 2021 was published on a line few days ago. With results similar to those in other economically comparable countries it throws useful light on allergen control within the food industry dealing with …
Have your say on ‘may contain’ labelling
Does 'may contain' labelling affect you either because you are allergic yourself or because you buy food for someone who is? If so you will know how unsatisfactory the situation is and will rejoice that the Food Standards Agency are at last hoping to tackle it. But before wading …
‘May contain’ – have your say
Very good news - the Food Standards Agency have cleared their desks and are tackling the horribly unsatisfactory mess that is Precautionary Allergen Labelling, better known as 'may contain' warnings. PALs have been the bugbear not only of the allergic consumer but of the …
#Speak Up for Allergies
Leaving home for the first time in your late teens or early 20s is seriously exciting - and seriously scary. Whether you are moving out to get a job or to go to university, this may the first time you have ever lived away from home, had to do your own washing, pay your own bills, …