No matter how you cut it, judging for the FreeFrom Food Awards is not something you can do over Zoom. While sending out parcels of five or even ten products to judges might be feasible, sending out parcels of 50 certainly would not be. Even if the numbers were manageable, we …
FreeFrom Food Awards judging
Apologies to regular readers of my blog for the lack of recent posts. Christmas came and went but was hotly pursued by the judging for the annual FreeFrom Food Awards which has always happened in my house in Lawn Road in North London. Three weeks – five days a week – 600 odd …
Judging the FreeFrom Food awards – Week 2
Everyone has their own way of going about their judging – but this was how most of the chocolate judges did it! Although some created a rather fancy pie chart into which they fitted each sample. To our disappointment, although much to the delight of the chocophiles, …
FreeFrom Food Awards 2018 – first week of judging
Judges being silly already – and we were only on Day 2 of 10!!! (Vicki of FreeFrom Fairy, Hailey of Allergy Adventures, Rachel of 7YearstoDiagnosis and Nathalie of Intolerant Gourmand, if you want to know...) However, I am glad to say that this was only a temporary blip in their …
FFFood Awards judging – multi coloured week 2 – and City Harvest
Well, this was not a particularly colourful entry into the Tea Time category – but it was a Gin and Tonic Cake so how could one resist that?.... Boris, who took up residence in one judge's chair and showed very little inclination to move, might have been interested – but …