Well, all those winners might think that they were the focus of the night, but we know who really was..... Marble Mo himself! Here he is, dressed in a rather smart scarf waiting to hear where he was going to be living for the next year. And it turned out that, for the first …
Jeffrey Hyman
‘Oh no! Not FDIN Jeffrey?……’
'But he was such a lovely man.......' Yes, I do mean Food and Drink Innovation Network Jeffrey Hyman – a lovely, lovely man. But being loved by everyone could not, sadly, protect him from a massive stroke last Tuesday night, which he did not survive. I can't now …
Tactile tableware, vanilla tapenade, 38 brands of gin and conversing in real time with the grower of your Shisito peppers…
My good friend Jeffrey Hyman, he of the Food & Drink Innovation Network, sent me, last week, Baum & Whiteman's 'Hottest food and Beverage Trends for 2014'...... In case you are not aware (and I certainly wasn't) Baum and Whiteman are the restaurant design team who …