The good news first.... The recent furore about the cost of gluten-free food on prescription (see my post here and endless comment elsewhere in the media) has had some good fall out. Despite the fact that the figures quoted on Newsnight and elsewhere did appear to have been …
Happy New Year!
I have to admit to having a bit of a problem with New Year's Eve... All that forced bonhomie, those overpriced meals, the endless famous faces flitting on and off 'celeb' shows. All I usually want to do is go to bed with a good book.... So when the fates conspired to leave me …
FreeFrom Food Awards 2011 Really Kick Off!
It has been very busy in the Foodsmatter office this week as today is the cut off date for the discounted early entry to this year's FreeFrom Food Awards – so the end of the week saw a mad rush of entries all trying to squeeze in before the deadline and get their 10% off! (Those …