What a coup!! You see those round little yellow tickets saying OPALS? They are there to tell you, on a scale of 1 – 10, how badly that flower and its pollen will affect you if you have hay fever or allergic asthma. And they are all over the gold-winning Birmingham City Council …
Low Allergen Gardening
Hay fever hits Chelsea headlines – well, almost….
For the last 20 years or more I have been dutifully trecking off to Royal Hospital Road for Chelsea Flower Show's press day in the vain hope of finding a low allergen show garden. So I was more than frustrated (I was unable to go this year) when I heard an item on the Today …
Alas, still no allergen-free gardens…
I am, yet again, totally baffled........ There are around 12 million hay fever sufferers in the UK, approximately 20% of the population. And there are around 25 million amateur gardeners, approximately 40% of the population – and that is not counting those who garden for a …
Congratulations to the Royal College of Pathologists on their low allergen garden!
So, another Chelsea Flower Show is nearly over – and even though we did not get a low-allergen show garden, we did get an excellent display from the Royal College of Pathologists in the RHS Environmental Zone in the Grand Pavilion: Urban Greening – Not to be Sneezed at! Plants …
Allergen-free gardening – we wish…
Spurred on by our recent burst of unseasonally summer weather – and an email from from Laura Antebi who is coming to stay while she exhibits her wonderful horses, my mind has turned once more the Chelsea Flower Show. Every year I set off on press day with my good friend Anne …