Sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt us. But is that true? Or, if words cannot literally hurt us, can they either help or hinder us in healing ourselves? This question was raised by a recent article in the Townsend Letter, an e-newsletter for doctors …
Micki Rose
The drop in key nutrients in our food over the last 40 years and – attending a festival with food allergies
If you are wondering - you are quite right - the two topics have nothing in common, beyond the fact that alerts for both dropped into my inbox this morning and I thought both deserved a wider airing. The drop in key nutrients in our food over the last 40 years This alert came …
Living with – or attempting to live with – Total Food Intolerance
Long term followers of this blog and of the original FoodsMatter publications will remember John Scott, champion of helminthic therapy and world expert on living with total food intolerance. John did just that himself for many years, surviving only on elemental infant …
Pandemic panic, 5 G, staying calm – and laughter
I started writing this blog a week ago before going away for a few days. When I got back, panic had set in. The blog's purpose had been to point out the coincidence (or maybe it is not a coincidence) that COVID-19 took hold in Wuhan City which has the highest number of 5G …
Making your house care for you
We all live in our houses. They keep us dry, they keep us warm. But do they really 'look after us'? Most of us don't need them to but, if you have chemical sensitivities or, even worse, chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities, then your house can feel as though …