Did anyone watch the fascinating Channel 4 programme on Hitler's hidden drug habits last night? From the mid 1930s, despite his image as a man of 'superhuman strength and vigour', it appears that Hitler became increasing dependent on Dr Theodor Morell, physician to the …
Horizon on allergies
I have to admit to turning on last night's Horizon programme on allergies with a bit of a sinking heart – expecting the usual perfectly worthy but not really helpful selection of talking heads. But indeed not! Led by the wonderfully avuncular but authoritative Prof. Graham Rook, …
FMTs (otherwise known as poo) to be treated as a drug
Over the past several years there has been a growing interest in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation – the 'transplantation' of healthy-bacteria-filled faeces from a well person's gut into the guts of those suffering from a range of inflammatory digestive and bowel conditions whose …