I am sad - and indeed embarrassed - to say that I was completely unaware that yesterday was Severe ME Awareness Day - a condition that SO badly needs attention focused on it as it is so little understood. However, I am delighted to say that having logged into the ME Association, …
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Coping with CFS and ME
Following on from the lovely ME story I just posted....... I have been meaning to write this post ever since a friend asked me, a few weeks ago, whether I had any suggestions for her daughter who was really struggling with what appeared to be chronic fatigue and did not seem …
‘Lazy cow’ – a very telling little story about ME
Action for ME is a brilliant organisation - hugely supportive of those whose lives have been devastated by ME and CFS. Every year they run a short story competition and this is this year's winner. It makes it all too clear how cruel ignorance can make us – and how important it …