I regularly get news releases and articles from the Orthomolecular News Service, the news wing of Orthomolecular.org, proponents of 'Therapeutic nutrition based on biochemical individuality'. To quote themselves: Orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which is Greek …
Evidence-Based Medicine: the Orthomolecular view
This article originated with the excellent Orthomolecular News Service (subscribe here) and has been hanging around in my in-box for months as I thought it was so well worth reading but could not really find a home for it on the FoodsMatter sites. So, why not …
Censorship, Sports and the Power of One Word
An email came through from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service recently that, although it does not impact directly on any of our normal activities so did not really have a place on the FoodsMatter sites, I really wanted to share with someone! (For those of you who do not …