Image courtesy of Hooley & Brown In theory the huge growth in the number of vegan products on the market should be a massive bonus for those with milk or egg allergies. But - because so many of them come with PAL/May Contain warnings for milk and egg, it has also been a …
risks of vegan food for milk and egg allergics
If it is vegan, is it safe for those with allergies to milk or eggs?
The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has just issued a report, discussed in an excellent post on Alex Gazzola's Allergy Insight blog, which makes it quite clear that being labelled vegan does not mean that a food is safe for those with allergies to milk or eggs. They …
Food allergy in court
As anyone who is involved in the food allergy world will know, Dr Hazel Gowland (our Freefrom Food Awards Hero in 2019) is a tireless champion of those who live with food allergy. Through her work with the families of those who have suffered fatalities and 'near misses' she has …