One of the biggest bugbears of life as a food allergic person is Precautionary Allergen Labelling (PAL) or May Contain labelling. This is intended to warn you if there is a risk that the food concerned might be contaminated with any of the 14 major allergens. But because it is …
TRACE study
PPD, henna and the dangers of cross reactivity
The inquest into the death of Julie McCabe four years ago has finally come to a close – with the coroner suggesting that the black henna tattoo that Mrs McCabe had had done in Dubai four years earlier could have been a factor in raising her sensitivity to the PPD which killed …
Excting allergy research projects
On Wednesday I went, for the first time, to the Food Standards Agency's annual presentation, this year focused on their work in the field of food allergy, and on the departure of the splendid Dr Andrew Wadge who has headed up the scientific arm of the FSA since 2000. (He pointed …