Well, to be honest, it is not nuts that are the problem, it is the confusion arising from the laudable efforts of regulators and manufacturers to improve allergen labelling for the benefit of allergic consumers. But, nuts being at the sharp end of the allergy experience, nut …
Egg wash!! How many allergens should you exclude?
I had scarcely pressed the 'go live' key on my last blog about allergen-free catering when the following email plopped into my in-box: Good morning Michelle, I am hoping that I can persuade you to help me in my battle to encourage chefs to stop putting eggs either in or …
Allergen-free catering – really quite simple once you put your mind to it…
I have spent much of the last week working on the entry forms for the FreeFrom Eating Out Awards which open at the end of this month – and it has really focused my mind on exactly what is involved for an eating-out establishment in going 'freefrom'. But while, at first glance, …
YesNoBananas and British Airways…..
Alexa at YesNoBananas has been seriously on the rampage over the last few weeks - but who can blame her? The new food labelling regulations about which I blogged a couple of days ago and she has blogged a number of times (most recently as a letter to the FSA) are enough, as my …
Beware manufacturer ‘freefrom’ lists
Any of you who follow Alexa's YesNoBananas blog will know that the her family is very excited as three year-old Sydney who has a list of life-threatening allergies and intolerances as long as your arm (including, originally, egg, wheat, nuts, sesame, chickpeas, green peas and …