I achieved remission of chronic urticaria (with hookworms) at 5.5 months and was able to stop the cetirizine at that point. Also by that point my migraines had completely stopped, headaches were minimal and I was having pain-free periods for the first time in my life. I was able to completely stop using painkillers, having previously relied on them frequently throughout my adult life.”
“I’m getting very excited about my dust mite allergy daughter. In the last 6 weeks+ she has been showing tiny progressive signs of improvement. She started forgetting to take one of her daily allergy medications – there seemed to be no increase in allergy activity… two weeks later she began forgetting to take her nasal spray… no negative impact!! This is coming from a kid who would beg me to let her have extra doses of everything because nothing was working. She was miserable a couple of months ago, now it looks like the miraculous is happening right under our noses. I’m sure this last dose (of hookworms) will finish the job that is well started.”
“I wasn’t sure I would ever add back gluten and dairy, (after inoculating with hookworms) but jumped all in at 6 months with both and was in disbelief how well I handled it.”
As those of you who also get out fortnightly newsletter will know, every week John Scott sends me a compendium of research reports that he has gleaned from around the web. And very often they will be accompanied by another wormy success story – of which the three above are pretty typical examples.
For those who don’t know, John who was all but bed-bound when I first met him, ‘cured’ his total food intolerance (he lived on elemental infant formula for 5 years because he could not tolerate any foods at all), chronic rhinitis, migraine, ME, restless legs and Crohn’s disease by inoculating himself with hookworms…. He now eats a fairly normal, if very healthy diet and recently told me that he had had to replace his exercise bike as he had worn the old one out!
He has, hardly surprisingly, become one of the world’s experts on parasite innoculation and has helped more people than I can count who had totally failed to find any help elsewhere for their many varied health problems.
Of course, we all know that anecdotal accounts do not count in the medical literature. But so many and varied are the success stories of those who have tried helminthic therapy (the medical name for parasite innoculation) that is now being taken seriously by some sectors of the medical community and is even appearing as the subject of ‘real’ research studies. Coming up in next week’s research reports, for example:
Experimental hookworm infection and escalating gluten challenges are associated with increased microbial richness in celiac subjects.
If you want to know, check in to the helminthic therapy section of the FoodsMatter site where you will find explanations of the thinking behind helminthic therapy, John’s regularly updated files of helminthic success stories (over 300 by now) and a whole series of articles and research papers about the therapy – plus John’s own story of his ‘cure’.
This whole thing gives me the heeby jeebies…big time.
What is so wonderful…is that John is getting well.