We have just been catching up on some research reports for the main foodsmatter.com site and this one caught my eye…
The study, by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, looked at Danish records, dating from December 2008, of nearly 30,000 seven-year-olds, questioning their mothers on their mobile phone usage when pregnant. Their aim was to replicate an earlier study of 13,000 seven-year-olds which had been completed two years earlier on the basis that mobile phone usage had increased significantly between 1999 and 2001 when the women would have been pregnant.
Their conclusions were the same – and alarming – although ‘the association was not as strong as in the earlier study’. None the less, children who were exposed to mobile phones while in the womb and immediately after birth were significantly (up to 50% significantly) more likely to be behaving badly by the time they were seven than those who had not been…
There has, surprise, surprise, ‘been some scepticism about this study and the authors have warned against drawing any conclusions about mobile phone usage among pregnant mothers – although their research findings do warrant a more in depth study’. However, some of us might think of the report as yet another cheep from that canary in the mine warning us that in subjecting ourselves to such massively increased levels of electromagnetic radiation we are playing with fire and have really no concept of what we may be doing to ourselves and, far more importantly, to our children.
Yes, more in depths studies please – and soon.