I receive almost daily reports of news and events related to electrosensitivity, many of which are fascinating, but not really relevant for the FoodsMatter site – but I hate not to be able to share them so here we go with a few of the most recent.
(Many thanks, incidentally, to ES-UK, EMF Refugees and Dr Olle Johansson among many others.)
Frog species are disappearing at an alarming rate in the Caribbean – could mobile phone radiation be implicated?
Researchers in the Caribbean report a 70–90% decline in the number of frogs on the islands. Not only are frogs, whose ‘peeps, tweets and staccato whistles’ enlivened the Caribbean night, an important part of the local culture but ‘they also have an important environmental role: they are consumed by birds and snakes and are major predators of mosquitoes. Their absence could lead to a rise in malaria and dengue, not to mention discomfort.’ Read more about the decline here in Yahoo News and then take a look at this research report from 2010 showing that mobile phone radiation can have a dramatic effect on the development of tadpoles.
In India…
‘The 4.5 lakh mobile towers in India are turning the country into an open microwave,’ warns Girish Kumar, researcher at IIT Bombay. ‘With 1w power (same output as cell phones) temperatures increase by 1’C in 500 seconds (9 minutes).’ Read more here in The Times of India.
Is the Cold War to blame?
Is the Cold War to blame for the lack of objective research into the possible dangers of microwave (mobile phone) radiation? A fascinating article in The Scientist last autumn by Allan Frey suggesting that security fears in the 1970s effectively closed down all research and all funding for research into the possible dangers of very weak microwave radiation (including breaching the blood brain barrier). As a result there is now no data that would allow scientists to determine whether or not there is a health hazard in mobile phone use.
Legal acknowledgement of EHS in Australia and compensation awarded for damage caused…
Details of the first case of its kind in the antipodes!
French Fashion label Smuggler designs clothes made from fabric which will block electromagnetic radiation! They should have come to me for advice – my silver net jackets were causing comment (some asking whether I was wearing a mosquito net….) five years ago!!
However, as Dr Johansson, who sent me this report remarks:
‘No! This is not the kind of society we should have…. First the spread of an environmental toxin; then we – the citizens – must wear protective clothing. Really, no.’
And finally…
‘Two children may have died for you to have your mobile phone.’
Whatever about the radiation given out by mobile phones, how much environmental and human damage is caused in making their cases? See this report from Inés Benitez in the InterPress Service.