The other day I met a nice young man in the butchers. Well, ours is that kind of butcher (Barretts in England’s Lane, NW3 if anyone wants to know). I was dithering about what size chicken to buy (see next weekend’s newsletter for the resulting recipe) when said nice young man apologised for accosting me, but asked whether I would be interested in a fund-raising dinner for his charity. I said that I didn’t know, but why didn’t he tell me about it. In fact, he did better, and sent me the link to its website –
The charity raises money for research into progressive multiple sclerosis – a condition for which currently there is no cure or treatment and which inevitably results in an early death. The charity was founded by Peter Straker (my nice young man) in memory of his father, Henry, who died last year of progressive MS. Peter has also suffered from MS but he was one of the fortunate 20% of MS sufferers whose condition goes into remission. At one point, Peter was bedbound, visually impaired and with affected speech and swallow; now he is active, married, has an 18 month daughter and works as an deputy coroner.
Peter’s charity has, over the last four years, raised over £45,000 which has funded a new research scientist and this year’s fundraiser aims to pay for his on going salary and consumables. Their event takes place on November 15th – so only ten days away – at the 20th Century Theatre, ‘Notting Hill’s best kept secret’! and features Kit and the Widow (‘The witheringly rude answer to Flanders and Swan’) and Tom Price from BB1’s Torchwood, and it will cost you £80 for a seat or £65 for standing room!
There are also an amazing list of holidays (the Forte village in Sardinia, Bamburgh in Northumberland) fishing and cricketing opportunities, gourmet dinners, mini breaks, champagne, afternoon teas – and even a £50 meat voucher from our butcher – on offer via either the raffle or the auction. Or, if you just feel that you would like to support them, any donations will be gratefully received.
Check in to to find out more, donate – or book a ticket!