A really excellent blog from Ruth at What Allergy? about scratching – or rather – how not to scratch.
I don’t think that those of us who are lucky enough not to suffer from a condition such as eczema or psoriasis have any concept of how insane-driving the itch can be. The need to scratch can be completely irresistible – even though you are all too aware that it will only makes things much worse. I remember Jennifer Worth (author of the now hugely popular Call the Midwife series and erstwhile patron of AAA) writing that her whole-body eczema was like having an army of tiny ants continually crawling around under her skin.
All eczema sufferers know that scratching often only makes the itch worse – but how to stop yourself. Ruth has blogged before about how to stop – or at least try to stop yourself scratching (30 tips to help you stop scratching eczema) but today’s blog (10 more new tips to help you stop scratching eczema) sounds even more helpful to me.
What Allergy
Bless you Michelle, I feel like a bit of a fraud to admit I am failing daily but also succeeding daily to avoid some scratching. It’s a work in progress but I fully believe I can conquer the habit and build in mechanisms to help me avoid many of the incidences. Forgive me father for I have sinned. It is half an hour since I last picked a scab and scratched… 🙂