There has been a good deal of email ‘conversation’ recently on the Official Secrets Act and how it impacts both on those who are already electrosensitive and the future health of the whole population. The conversation was sparked by Dr Andrew Goldsworthy who, believing that MPs are either prevented by the Official Secrets Act from discussing the biological effects of microwave radiation with their constituents , or are using that as an excuse not to do so, sent the following email to his MP and suggested that other interested parties might wish to do the same:
Dear ?
I am taking part in a survey for people who are concerned that the Official Secrets Act is impeding proper communications between MPs and their constituents about the biological effects of microwave radiation.
There are two very simple questions and an emailed response is all that is needed.
1. Have you signed the Official Secrets Act?
2. Has it ever prevented you from discussing the biological affects of microwave radiation with your constituents?
For the purposes of the survey, replies to constituents drafted by Government Departments do not count.
Many thanks for your attention….
The objective, as Dr Goldsworthy points out, is not so much to get an answer but to make the government aware that we have all latched on to their use of the Official Secrets Act to avoid answering awkward questions. As he says, he is not expecting a reply from his MP who normally either does not reply to emails on the health effects of microwaves, or sends the standard response saying that everything is OK because the Health Protection Agency (who have also signed the Official Secrets Act) says it is. When asked more searching questions, she does not reply.
For those who are interested, Dr Goldsworthy gave the following description of the Act and its workings to an American colleague struggling to understand it:
The UK Official Secrets Act is a mixture of deliberate concealment of anything that might valuable to an enemy, embarrassing to the Government, things that the public must not know, all mixed with confusion and the ridiculous.
For example, the location what is now called the BT Tower (a microwave communications hub) was an official secret for decades despite its being at the time the tallest building in London. Also, the location of our cell towers is available on freely available maps from the Government but they have been airbrushed out of Google Earth.
We are probably the most watched Nation in the world with more CCTV cameras per capita than anywhere else. For example, following the recent riots around 3000 arrests are expected just from CCTV evidence and hacking into their cell phones. Sometimes it is for the good sometimes it’s not, but Big Brother really is watching us.
I doubt if you have anything that is quite as ludicrous as the Official Secrets Act in the States, but there will still be a great deal of classified information that you are not allowed to know about.
However, on both sides of the Atlantic I suspect that it is the big corporations that call the shots. For example, the electronics industry is the most powerful industry in the world; so powerful that even governments have to listen to it. Where would they be without their electronic weapons of war and what would happen to our economies if we couldn’t sell them to others?
Are we all being sacrificed so that they can make even more profit from unsafe cell phones and smart meters? Who knows?
What I do know is that the people running our electronics industries are far cleverer than those who run our respective governments and they run rings around them. The sad fact is that as a result, we will probably end up killing more of our own people than any Middle East dictator ever did!’
If you are interested in the Official Secrets Act, catch the BBC Radio 4’s history of the act on iplayer.
A comment from another correspondent was also illuminating:
‘….off the subject, but it relevant. I watched the documentary Gasland yesterday, it explains how Bush and Cheney exempted the oil and gas industry, from the clean air and water acts, the result is polluted ground water and sick animals and people, all over the U.S. This is available on line here.
This is effectively no different from the Telecommunications Act, which states that health is not a planning consideration. We need a documentary similar to Gaslands, to show how corrupted science and politics are effecting people, who are suffering with the telecoms issue.’
Hopefully, this challenge will be taken up by a UK documentary maker…..
Later…. The email conversation continues and it would appear that there are already a number of documentaries on the subject of electrosensitivity/electromagnetic pollution in production and about to burst upon us. Watch this space.
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