Way back in the day (well, actually in the mid ’90s) when we were still selling dairy free chocolate, the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow was a dairy-free Advent calendar. But the problem is that Advent only lasts for four weeks and the packaging for a calendar with little opening doors is very expensive. So small was the market at that time (or at least, so small were the number of people who knew that such things as dairy-free chocolate existed) that it was never economically viable for anyone to make a dairy free calendar. So devoted parents spent hours dismembering ‘normal’ calendars and filling them with little squares of dairy-free chocolate!
But, I am delighted to say, things have improved. There are now a whole range of companies making special dairy-free, nut-free Christmas chocolates – including three different Advent calendars!!
Check out our classified Christmas directory for other Christmas goodies but for Christmas chocolates check out D&D, Billy Goat Stuff and Dietary Needs Direct – and, for those calendars, Celtic Chocolates (two different calendars both available in Sainsburys and Waitrose) and Moo Free Chocolates, available on line.
You read my mind. I was actually just looking up dairy free advent calendars when this came through. Great minds and all that! Saved me a job, thanks.