Well, I did warn you that this would be electromagnetic week…..
How about some pretty – or not so pretty pictures – to start with. These come from a new site we have just been told about, run by a San Franciscan who has taken refuge in Austria to escape the mega electrical pollution of his home town. See this blog for some fascinating images of of the radiation created by wifi routers on the tops of buildings. An interesting site too – www.emfrefugee.com
Could your iPhone interfere with an airplane’s electronics? Quite possibly. Combined with this week’s news that something like one third of pilots have fallen asleep on the job – and some have even woken up to find their co-pilot sleeping peacefully beside them – it is truly amazing that so few planes manage to fall out of the skies! Lengthy article on Bloomberg.com in May 2013
This one applies particularly, I think, to young women – well it is certainly young women who feature mainly in the video. This image shows a bra with a neat little pocket at the side (goodness knows which bit of you that irradiates) but most girls seem to put the phone down the front which brings it directly into contact with the breast tissue.
Keeping cell phone in bra may lead to breast cancer – video report from KTVU.com March 2013
OK – last scare story – although this one does not actually have anything to do with EMR so does not really belong in here. However, since it is something that one could do something about I thought it worth including it.
Could smart phones cause short-sightedness in children? Leading laser eye surgeon suggests that they might. August 2013