You may remember that back in October I posted about the case brought by Action Against 5G against the Secretaries of State for Health and Social Care, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Digital Culture Media and Sport. Their claim was that the government’s actions in …
Do the guidelines protect us – or do they pose a serious risk to human health?
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection or ICNIRP purports to be 'an independent organization, providing scientific advice and guidance on the health and environmental effects of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) to protect people and the environment from …
Induction hobs pumping out serious amounts of electromagnetic radiation
Know those cool and trendy looking induction hobs? (This is a Miele by the way, taken from their site.) Well, not only are they seriously expensive (a Miele 930mm hob could cost you nearly £2,000...) but according to some new research reported by PowerWatch, they are delivering …