Thanks to the many excellent people around the world working to raise awareness of the possible hazards of excessive electromagnetic radiation, I receive a fairly constant stream of links to events, campaigns and news. I realise that not all of you are as invested in the subject as I am but some of you might want to take at least a brief look at some of the following….
Could electromagnetic frequencies cause autism? A presentation in June 2015 by Dr. Martin Pall suggests that they could. See here for the slides – and here for his presentation on You Tube.
Smart meters can give false readings that are up to 582% higher than actual energy consumption. Research from the University of Amsterdam suggest that whatever about bathing you in wifi, some smart meters can also dramatically– and incorrectly – raise your bills! Read more…
Cyprus removes wifi from kindergartens and severely limits its use in elementary schools since wired internet access is available in all classrooms. Wifi may only be used with specific parental consent. The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Child Health also initiated a nationwide campaign several years ago to raise awareness about cell phone and wireless radiation exposures to children. Read more….
Hong Kong residents are calling on the government to tighten regulations and standards for electromagnetic radiation, claiming to be adversely affected by such radiation from rooftop telecommunications transmitters.
‘Pastor Mike Liu was shocked when his younger sister was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour at the age of 30 in 2012. She died just a year later as the cancer was aggressive. He was dealt two furtherblows – his father was diagnosed and later died of oesophageal cancer in 2015, and his mother was diagnosed with early stage lung cancer a year later. Liu claimed this was no coincidence. He blamed it on transmitters, which reside on the roof of the family home, a Tenants Purchase Scheme estate in Sheung Shui. Half of the 24 sets installed at the estate are above their unit on the 27th floor, the top level.
Democratic Party lawmaker Andrew Wan Siu-kin says the government is “gambling with lives” by doing nothing to address such concerns. Some residents complain of chronic headaches and poor sleep, while others highlight weaker immune systems and irregular blood pressure after the stations were installed.’ Read more…
There appears to be some anecdotal evidence that the effects of electro magnetic radiation on biological systems vary with frequency and that – for the human microbiome – some frequencies are considerably more toxic than others. This is perhaps an area where further research is urgently justified.