Almost every week I get at least three emails highlighting recent research, events or personal stories related to electrosensitivity. Since I know that what we are meant to be focusing on is allergy not ES, they tend to mound up into what, by December, is a pretty toppling pile.
So I have used the post Christmas-pre New Year lull to pick out just a few of the more eye-catching and/or important. For a slightly fuller list see the FoodsMatter site here – but for now:
- California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issues cell phone warning document highlighting the health risks from cell phone radiation and providing tips on how to reduce exposure. Recognition at last!!! Although Connecticut issued a similar document back in 2015 it has taken an eight year battle through the courts in California by ES campaigner, Dr Joel Moskowitz to get this approved on the West Coast. None the less, a significant step forward in the recognition that mobile phones can cause harm.
If you want to delve rather deeper into precisely what harm mobile phones can do, read this fascinating and heavily referenced article by Arthur Firstenberg. - Electromagnetic radiation a Group 1 carcinogen for humans. Dr Anthony B Miller, an expert cancer researcher and advisor to the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO/IARC) has given it as his scientific opinion that radiofrequency (RF) radiation from any source – cell phones, other wireless and cordless and sensor devices, wifi networks – fully meets criteria to be classified as a “Group 1 carcinogenic to humans”.
- Higher rates of miscarriage amongst women exposed to electromagnetic radiation from wifi, mobile phones etc – 24.2% of the 913 women in the study with higher levels of exposure suffered miscarriage. The rate of miscarriage in the general population is 10–15%. For the original research go here.
For more on the risk of radiation in pregnancy, see an interview on the Mercola site in which Dr Dietrich Klinghardt states that ‘Wi-Fi routers and similar devices concentrate twentyfold in the womb, meaning whatever the reading is outside the womb, the measurement will be 20 times higher inside the mother.’ - Mobile Phone Use and The Risk of Headache: A Systematic Review. Researchers Jing Wang, Hui Su, Wei Xie1 & Shengyuan Yu ‘found that the risk of headache was increased by 38% in mobile phone (MP) users compared with non-MP user. Among MP users, the risk of headache was also increased in those who had longer daily call duration and higher daily call frequency….’
And, while on the subject of the brain…. Pilot Study shows dramatic difference in brain activity between the brains of those with EHS (Electrohypersensitivity) and those without. - WHO in pocket of telecoms industry? This may dismissed by some as conspiracy theorising but when five of the six members of the group in charge of drafting the report on the possible health hazards of radio frequency radiation are affiliated with the telecoms industry, would you not ask whether there might be some conflict of interest?… The critique comes from Dr. Lennart Hardell, the world’s preeminent researcher on brain tumour risk and long-term cell phone use.
And what of Professor Olle? Any reader who has visited this territory before will know that Professor Olle Johansson is one of the most passionate and knowledgable campaigners on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. He has authored hundreds of papers (links to a couple below), is a much sought after speaker across the world, sits on every committee known to man.
Until very recently he was based at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden (best know in connection with the Nobel prize) although his relationship with the university has become increasingly fractious over the years. And now he has been, effectively, sacked – purportedly because of a lack of funding. However, it is a matter of record that much of the university’s funding comes from the telecoms industry. It is not unreasonable to assume that these funders may have been less than enthusiastic about supporting research work that suggested that their products presented a serious risk to human health.
The effective result is that Professor Olle is out of a job – and in serious need of funds if he is to continue his work. The areas on which he wishes to concentrate for now are:
1) EMF protection/neutralisation
2) smart meters
3) the functional impairment EHS (based primarily on data from Japan, as a model country, but also on data from elsewhere)
4) autism/ADHD/ADD in relation to artificial EMFs
5) the protection of fetuses, babies, children and teenagers
6) the protection of Mother Nature and our common environment.
But he needs money!! If you have any thoughts as to where he might obtain some, log into the Support Prof Olle Johansson Facebook page where you will find all details.
Meanwhile, if you want to hear Professor Olle talking about electromagnetic fields and how they can affect our health, watch this lecture that he gave in October this year.
Or, read How electromagnetic fields may suppress immune system function, thereby increasing the individual’s risk of falling victim to opportunistic infection – a paper by Paul Doyon and Olle Johansson from June this year.
Also, two recent studies showing that the ‘provocation studies’ used to show that electrosensitivity is a purely ‘imagined’ condition are simply not valid. Study 1 and Study 2.
Thank you for all those who support the professor!
Many, many thanks for this – invaluable for my activities re- alerting Hammersmith & Fulham council over siting of masts and routers within communities.
Much appreciated.
Happy New Year to you too!
NL 01-2018
I do hope it is of some help, David – good luck in your efforts. We are still working on Camden to get them to withdraw their offer of the small block of flats beside us as site for six masts… It is an ongoing struggle I fear.