For the average citizen evaluating the claims made for cure all - or even improve all - health products and procedures has always been difficult. Not only is it an area in which we have minimal expertise but most of us have a vested interest in finding a miracle intervention that …
Alternative/Complementary Health
Can words heal?
Sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt us. But is that true? Or, if words cannot literally hurt us, can they either help or hinder us in healing ourselves? This question was raised by a recent article in the Townsend Letter, an e-newsletter for doctors …
Heavy Metal and chemical toxicity
Are you worried about the amount of metal and the number of chemicals that we come into contact with on a daily, indeed hourly, basis? Not all of them (at a rough estimate there are over 150,000 chemicals in constant circulation) are bad. Indeed, many are crucial to our daily …
Transforming Primary Healthcare
There is no doubt that responsible GPs are worried about the state of the NHS, primary care, secondary care, the relentless growth in patients with autoimmune and mental health conditions, and, and, and..... And that many of them are fronting or taking part in initiatives, often …
The perils of electro complacency
Very long term readers of this blog will remember that over ten years ago I went through a few years when I was quite seriously electro sensitive. In other words I reacted badly to electromagnetic radiation - the lifeblood of our phones, our computers and our on line …