So, do you live close to a wind farm? And do you suffer from:
- headaches
- sleep problems
- night terrors or learning disabilities in children
- ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- mood problems (irritability, anxiety)
- concentration and memory problems
- issues with equilibrium, dizziness and nausea
If so, you could be suffering from wind turbine syndrome. Or you could be suffering from any one of the other 300 plus conditions which also cause:
- headaches
- sleep problems
- night terrors or learning disabilities in children
- ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- mood problems (irritability, anxiety)
- concentration and memory problems
- issues with equilibrium, dizziness and nausea….
But never let it be said that we would not take seriously an apparently wacky condition. How wacky did electromagnetic sensitivity seem when it was first mooted and I, for one, can certainly attest to its existence – even if I chose to ignore the mountains of research material that now exist on the subject. And after all, wind turbines do cause a major air disturbance – that is what they are there for – so why should that not affect out health as well as that of bats and birds?
Anyhow, if the question interests you, the How Stuff Works site has a good article on the health fall out from wind turbines, along with a number of links to more research and opinion.