A question: Have you ever compared the flavour of a whole strawberry with that of a cut up strawberry?
I ask only because I think that something strange happens when you cut strawberries up. Somehow, with each knife cut, flavour leaks out. Which is possibly why, in my opinion at least, strawberry flavours are usually so hideously unsuccessful.
How has this revelation come to me? Well, this morning the lovely Farm Direct delivered some early season fresh strawberries, straight from Messers Wilkins farms in Tiptree in Essex. They looked more than succulent so I nicked a couple from the box and was rewarded with a burst of utter delicious succulence. So, I decided to have them for supper.
But instead of leaving them whole, I cut up most of those left in the pack (fortunately not all) and served them up – but, the magic had gone. They were juicy but flavourless – a blandish nothing-very-much… Weird. Where had the flavour gone?
Curious, and realising that I had not cut them all up, I went back and had another whole one – and, the magic was back. The slight shaprness, the sweetness, the depth of flavour – all of which had disappeared when they were cut up.
So, explain that, someone, will you? And is this just me or has anyone else found the same?….
jacquie broadway
Strawberries should only be ORGANIC, Supermarket, commercial strawberries are sprayed with fungicide/what everelse, this has to impair on the flavour, Commercial varieties are grown for impact, i.e. colour and appeal but are absolutely tasteless. Sugest you grow your own. Ours are just flowering in the sunshine! and will taste delicious xx Jacquie Broadway.
Odd you say that, but I often find the oposite!
Flavour seems to be inhanced if I cut them up. Maybe it was something to do with the knife you cut them up with?
Was it silver? Was it very sharp? I use stainless steel ones that are ultra sharp and think maybe a bluntish one would bruise the fruit rather than clean cut it, hence spoiling the flavour.
I’m no scientist and this is only a vague opinion!
Thank you both! Strawberries were organic and from direct-from-farm delivery – so definitely not supermarket! But I am suer that they were still no match for yours, Jacquie!!
They were cut with a sharp ceramic knife….. I would have thought that would have had less effect that a steel one..
Do you sugar yours when you have cut them up, Georgia, as that would bring out the flavour?
No I dont sugar British grown ones in season as they never seem to need it, but out of season and deffo ones from abroad( which I rarely buy) I do tend to add a bit of sugar.
Hmmm…. Baffled then!!