In the faint hope that summer might actually break upon us at some point and that, therefore, the sunscreen question will be upon us again, I checked in to a post on Dr John Briffa’s blog last week about sunscreens. He was, in fact, belabouring the Daily Mail (with some reason) for running an article (unattributed) about the dangers of children failing to wear sunscreens, quoting heavily from Superdrug’s ‘sun-care buyer’, Richard Cryne…
However, during the course of his complaint he referred to an earlier blog posted last spring, The Dark Side of Sunscreens which was measured, informative and brimming with good advice. So, before you lay out substantial sums for sunscreen for either you or your children, I suggest you have a read!
You know I’m not surprised.I find that my body just doesn’t like sun screen (no surprise there then…) so I tend to wear a hat, seek shade and cover up, but I do love the feel of the sun on my skin and think that our bare skin needs it to be nourished. I will continue as I have been – except for those outdoor sporting days when it’s impossible to get out of the sun… then the dreaded sun screen does come in handy. There are one or two brands natural enough for my skin to agree to its application.