As I have mentioned before, I receive a fairly constant flow of emails relating to electro sensivity – or is that actually what we shown call it?….
No, it isn’t, said a recent such communication from KeepHealthyFamilies – we should give up on all those terms which mean very little to most people (electro-hypersensitivity, electro-sensitivity, EHS etc) and stick with something which is instantly understandable – Microwave Sickness.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes Microwave Sickness as:
A condition of impaired health reported especially in Russian medical literature that is characterised by headaches, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fatigue and difficulty in concentrating, and by changes in the cardiovascular system and central nervous systems – and that is held to be caused by prolonged exposure to low intensity microwave radiation.
Pretty accurate description of what EHS sufferers suffer – although of course, these symptoms can be caused by radiation from other sources than microwaves.
But at least if you talk about microwave sickness people have some idea of what you are on about; electro-hypersensitivity – not a chance!