For the last three years the French group, Coeurs d'EHS, has held a worldwide EHS Day on June 16th. The purpose of the day is not so much to campaign against the ever wider roll out of 5G and other electromagnetic powered technologies (although protests there certainly will be) …
Microwave sickness
As I have mentioned before, I receive a fairly constant flow of emails relating to electro sensivity – or is that actually what we shown call it?.... No, it isn't, said a recent such communication from KeepHealthyFamilies – we should give up on all those terms which mean very …
Smart meter petitions to sign – and ES update
For those of you who have not yet met 'smart meters' they are, or at least they are sold as, the energy companies' and the government's way to help you reduce your energy consumption and allow the whole country to become greener and more sustainable. Anyone who has had an energy …