Tragedy changes lives but devastating though tragic events may be they are also the spur to extraordinary achievements - and that cannot be more true than of the Ednan-Laperouse family. There can be few people in the allergy world who have not have heard about Natasha, the 15 …
Natasha's Law on prepacked food
No Allergy Tsar in sight
Those of you who read my post earlier in the month and signed Tanya Ednan-Laperouse's petition will no doubt also have received a government response this morning. In it they outline the position as they see it and what they are doing to help: They note that there has been a …
FSA – on the allergy case
You might well have thought that COVID concerns had taken over all branches of government activity – but not so. The Foods Standards Agency, while noting the issues, has refused to be distracted from its Food Hypersensitivity work. What is also good to realise – although I …