Tragedy changes lives but devastating though tragic events may be they are also the spur to extraordinary achievements - and that cannot be more true than of the Ednan-Laperouse family. There can be few people in the allergy world who have not have heard about Natasha, the 15 …
Natasha's law
Natasha’s Law – and how far we have come
Yesterday was a day for celebration - but sad celebration. Celebration because Natasha's law came into effect. Sad because what prompted it was was the death in 2016 of 15 year of Natasha Ednan-Laparouse as a result of eating a Pret a Manger baguette which contained sesame seeds …
No Allergy Tsar in sight
Those of you who read my post earlier in the month and signed Tanya Ednan-Laperouse's petition will no doubt also have received a government response this morning. In it they outline the position as they see it and what they are doing to help: They note that there has been a …
Allergy and FreeFrom Show 2019
Well, for some visitors to the Allergy Show it may have been all about how many gluten and milk free brownies can you fit in one mouthful.... but for the kids in the family area, it was all about learning about allergens. Here are Intolerant Gourmand Nathalie and Callum, her son, …
Ayeee…. Anaphylaxis…..
An article in yesterday's Times quoted figures published by NHS Digital showing that there has been a frightening 40%+ increase in the incidence of anaphylaxis in young children in the last five years – from 601 in 2013/4 to 849 in 2017/8. The figures also show that the incidence …