The wires have been, as you would expect, humming since the publication of the FreeFrom Food Awards shortlist on Wednesday. A few disappointments that judges had not found favourite products quite as irresistible as hoped but a great deal more joy as freefrom companies both new and old found that their products had indeed found favour!
‘I would just like to say a big ‘thank you’ for this great news. I had hoped that maybe we would receive one nomination but two – far better than I could have hoped! Fantastic!’
‘Just wanted to say hurray – and many thanks for letting us know and everything. Really over the moon to be shortlisted again.’
‘Just seen the shortlist – the team are ecstatic!’
‘THANK YOU!!!!! So much!!! One year old and we are SO proud to have entered three sausages and got all three on the shortslist! To be honest, we are quite overwhelmed! ‘
And there really was an amazing selection to choose from – the full list is to be found on the awards site here but here were just a few of the highlights that I picked out for the press release:
• Dell’Ugo fresh gluten-free Chickpea Fusilli (the first pulse-based pasta we have met)
• La Zaragozana Ambar Green no-alcohol gluten-free beer (the first no-alcohol gluten-free beer)
• Eskal Edible gluten-free Ice Cream Party Tubs
• Good Wine Online Sulphite-free wines (one of the few sulphite-free wines – a growing area)
• Vivesoy Cappuccino/Soy Milk (an interesting thing to do with soya milk)
• Raw Ecstasy Activated Walnuts – dairy-free, gluten-free raw chocolate
• Eat Water gluten, dairy and calorie free Slim Pasta – Spaghetti (amazing product made from a plant fibre)
• Freedom Deli gluten-free Tuna Melt Panini (first gluten free panini we have met)
• Sweetcheeks gluten and dairy-free Pistachio & Lemon Zest Loaf
• Afia’s Gluten-free Spicy Mix Vegetable Samosa (first gluten-free samosa we have met)
• Cornito Sea Waves gluten-free corn and potato pasta (unusual and pretty shape and unusual ingredient combination)
• Clearspring Sweet Grains Dessert Amazake (very classic Japanese dessert product – just rice….. but massively free from and healthy)
And now we are on to organising the party which will take place on the 16th April with our patron, Antony Worrall Thompson, presenting the prizes as usual. We already have prospective guests queuing at the door (well, queuing for tickets anyhow) so we anticipate a good turnout!! More anon….
Meanwhile, if you would like to know more about our new Childrens’ food category – read Christine Bailey’s account of the kids’ judging session (for kids, by kids…) – and if you are interested in how those gluten-free beers are coming along, check out Sue Cane’s report on the beer judging session.
Lisa Tunnicliff
How is Diane Palmer doing? My story regarding salicylate intolerance is similar to hers. If anyone would like to see my research please contact me. I love to do what I can to help.