Micki Rose recently had a very interesting post on her Truly Gluten Free site discussing the depressing progression of food intolerance that will already be familiar to those on very restricted diets, as their food options get ever fewer. Micki sees a possible answer in …
Anna Locatelli
The health giving properties of red wine
I have always thought that it was no accident that, when all else fails, the one 'food' that two of the most allergic people that I know (Micki Rose and Anna Locatelli) can always tolerate – and the one 'food' that revives me if I have had too close an encounter with some …
Red Wine Good for Combating Heart Attack and – Radiation?…
Japan's tsunami-induced nuclear panic has caused a number of newspapers to unearth reports they ran back in 2008 when the University of Pittsburg School of Medicine released information on their research into resveratrol, the natural antioxidant commonly found in red wine and …