For the average citizen evaluating the claims made for cure all - or even improve all - health products and procedures has always been difficult. Not only is it an area in which we have minimal expertise but most of us have a vested interest in finding a miracle intervention that …
Natural medicines
Can words heal?
Sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt us. But is that true? Or, if words cannot literally hurt us, can they either help or hinder us in healing ourselves? This question was raised by a recent article in the Townsend Letter, an e-newsletter for doctors …
Cough medicines that include Pholcodine can cause anaphylaxis
I was reminded last week by an excellent post on Ruth Holroyd's What Allergy? blog of the Pholcodine issue which, 25 years after it was first discussed, has still not been resolved in the UK. Pholcodine is a drug that is to be found in a wide range of cough medicines. …